Ida County Community Alliance
Front Row: Patti Andrews (HMH), Sherry Reiling (HMH), Connie Werner (Sac & Ida County Case Management), Barbara Connor (Siouxland Aging Services), Middle Row: Roxanne Smith (Jackson Recovery), Beth Ortner (Ida County Board of Health), Angie Kastner (OABCIG), Diana Ossman (ISI), Back Row: Cindy Harpenau (Mid-Sioux Opportunity), Lin Jensen (Willow Dale Wellness Village), Kristi Neumann (CAASA), Tabitha Leidholt (Willow Dale Wellness Village), Pastor Rich Salcido (Ida County Ministerial Association), Maggie Johnson (ISI)
The Ida County Community Alliance (ICCA) formed in 2010 meets bi-monthly to address community health needs. The health and human resource agencies represented within ICCA share information, strategies and goals to maximize resources to improve the quality of life for Ida County.
One of the latest projects from ICCA was the Ida County Community Resource Directory. After the completion of a needs assessment in 2011 under the direction of the Ida County Board of Health, it was determined that Ida County would benefit from a directory that contained health and human services information. The Resource Directory was recently distributed through The Reminder and can also be viewed online at